
Showing posts from April, 2018


The technology become a very important thing in this days... I think that my favourite article technologycal is the cellphone, because I can playing, reading, seeing videos, listening music, and any other things (I really like the Kindle, I don't have one, because I don't need one, but I hope to buy one someday, only for make reality my dreams) .   The first cellphone that I had, came to me when I had 10 years old. This was the Nokia 6110. In all my life I have 6 cellphones.  My cellphone is my BFF, because I've reading on apps (PDF, Wattpad) , listening music, this is what more I do in my cellphone (I really like these activities) .I don't use my cellphone a lot to talking or send messages (I'm a really unconcerned person, with the messages or calls, rarely I take the call) . I use my cellphone for this activities all days, in general when I travel to the faculty, or to my house.  The life without my cellphone, to be a hard b

More not interesting things about me...

Hi all people, I'm here.  These are you, when you see everything I wrote. In this oportunity I talk about the motive that I've choose this career ( Chemistry and Pharmacy).   I'm really undecided during all my life, to the present day I don't have the safety that I've chosen correctly, because when we decided this things all people (at least  I) have doubt everyday.  When the people ask me All began when I was a little girl, when someone asked me "Dear, Graciela, What's will you like to study in a future?" or "What is your ideal job FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE?" This question followed me during 16 years. My answer always was the same "I don't know". I'm one of the youngest granddaughters so the pressure of the rest of my cousins was on me. I've to overcome one by one, because this is the "rule", in my family. But my dreams, aren't part of the plan of life that my parents think for me, they want

About me...

Hello everyone  (to humans and aliens who see this) my name is Graciela, usually, the people call me Graci, Gracie, Grachi, Gabi (but I really don´t like, because my name isn´t Gabriela, even though the people think is this). I born in San Bernardo, but now  I live in Alto Jahuel, Buin, to the South of Santiago. I like the life of the "rural" Santiago is more calming than the noisy capital. I live with my little family, I'm the eldest daughter. I studied in Buin in an "average" School that is "little" known by the people (even by themselves) . I prefer to read to see movies or series (although I like to see)  because I like to imagine the world. For me, read is a form of therapy, because I don't like this "modern world" and with the books, I escape from this bad place. ( In another opportunity, I've even told us for my favourite book).   With my sisters, I watch the cartoon network, DisneyXD, Disney, and others, I really lik