More not interesting things about me...

Hi all people, I'm here. 
These are you, when you see everything I wrote.

In this oportunity I talk about the motive that I've choose this career (Chemistry and Pharmacy). I'm really undecided during all my life, to the present day I don't have the safety that I've chosen correctly, because when we decided this things all people (at least  I) have doubt everyday. 

When the people ask me
All began when I was a little girl, when someone asked me "Dear, Graciela, What's will you like to study in a future?" or "What is your ideal job FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE?" This question followed me during 16 years. My answer always was the same "I don't know". I'm one of the youngest granddaughters so the pressure of the rest of my cousins was on me. I've to overcome one by one, because this is the "rule", in my family. But my dreams, aren't part of the plan of life that my parents think for me, they wanted that I've study and make money and become independent, for create my own family. So, the life that I was thinking writting a books, not fulfilled this purpose...

When I've 17 my father say me that I study Engineer... As I had nothing thought, I don't thought that is a bad idea...

But, when deliver the PSU score I'm so confused beacuse I don't know what I want study... I want to make other thing, make something that everyday maked different thing, that a new challenge everyday, because I get bored too fast to do the same thing everyday... 
This is me, in that moment

In the end, apply to pharmacy and had no more options, and I decided in 15 minutes... I've always liked UChile, it's one of the best in everything (PUC is very fine, from my point of view). 

Sorry for the trash... 


  1. It is very difficult to decide what to study, It's good that you study pharmacy, we love you al

  2. You can do a lot of things, just try of you do your dreams true (:


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