
Showing posts from July, 2018

who you admire?

I really don't admire someone, because I try to live for my own way, make the things like to I want. Admiring someone is trusting and expecting that person to be perfect or not fail, but really all the people fail, and every moment. But if I had to tell someone I admire, I'd say it's Marie Curie and Solomon Northup. Marie Salomea Skłodowska-Curie, better known as Marie Curie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, was a French nationalized scientist in the field of radioactivity, was one of the first people to receive two Nobel prizes (physics and chemistry). She was also the first woman to hold a teaching position at the University of Paris. She died in 1934, due to aplastic anemia. His main researches were about radiactivity, in addition discovered radio and polonium. I really think that she likes or is closest to admiring someone that I have, she is because she lived in a very macho era, where men took all the merit, and women passed into the background. However, she achieved s

Music :v

Hello everybody, how are they today?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Today I talk about  my favourite music style  and my favourite song. The music is more important in us life, because with her, we remember feels, memorys of the past (happy things and sad things) , things that to mark us life. For me the music is essencial for the life, is like the motor of the car, like the sail of the boat, and like the turbines of the plane. Also is a beautiful form to espress feels, thoughts, and also can you espress any thing with her (suicidal thoughts, love,


Choose a photo is a really hard job, because we everyday took a photos, millions and millions of them. Much of them are forget, are lost, are delete... who knows where is end the photo... Zofia Nalepa, This photo was taken in March of 2017. I don't know more data about the photo, but I like this photo because show it the blue, alone and fragile that a person can feel.  This photo was taken by my mom. It's me when I was 2 years old ... I really don't like to upload photo where I appear, but when we was see the pictures of the past in family, and my mom tell me that she feel when taken the photo (she feel so blue) , it made that I create a connection with the photo, and since that day, is one of my favorites... I don't like to show much of my but I think it's the perfect occasion to show it. Although this photo is not a beauty or a perfect photo, didn't take by a p