Music :v

Hello everybody, how are they today? 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Today I talk about 
my favourite music style
 and my favourite song.

The music is more important in us life, because with her, we remember feels, memorys of the past (happy things and sad things), things that to mark us life. For me the music is essencial for the life, is like the motor of the car, like the sail of the boat, and like the turbines of the plane. Also is a beautiful form to espress feels, thoughts, and also can you espress any thing with her (suicidal thoughts, love, friendship, etc...).

My personal likes in the music, don't changed to much in all my life. I keep hearing the same artist that I listened to when I was a little girl (Amaral). I added some artist (caramelos de cianuro, the monkees, flora cash, fall out boys) and musical styles (pop, K-pop, Christian Rock , trap Christian, rap Christian, any style musical Christian in reality).

I remember the music of "jurassic park", make you feel that you begin a travel with adventure and mysteries. And I remember the music of "Steven Universe", I love those songs.

I like all instruments, but principally the string instruments,like ukulele,violin and viola (I learned a little of this).

BYE, see you later <3

PD: My favourite songs are (of all styles): 


  1. I also like Christian music :), and the lyrics of Redimi2

  2. I didn't meet Caramelos de cianuro and Flora Cash :O

  3. STEVEN UNIVERSE :´3, my favorite song is "I just wanted to see them converted into giant woman, giant woman, ..."


  4. I also remember the movie Jurassic Park and especially its music that moved you to another place... :3 :)


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