Choose a photo is a really hard job, because we everyday took a photos, millions and millions of them. Much of them are forget, are lost, are delete... who knows where is end the photo...

Zofia Nalepa,
This photo was taken in March of 2017. I don't know more data about the photo, but I like this photo because show it the blue, alone and fragile that a person can feel. 

This photo was taken by my mom. It's me when I was 2 years old ... I really don't like to upload photo where I appear, but when we was see the pictures of the past in family, and my mom tell me that she feel when taken the photo (she feel so blue), it made that I create a connection with the photo, and since that day, is one of my favorites... I don't like to show much of my but I think it's the perfect occasion to show it.

Although this photo is not a beauty or a perfect photo, didn't take by a photographer, I think that is a funny and comedian, because I was so tired, and I sat on the floor, but I was going to get dirty (and moms do not want their children to be dirty while they are not home), my dad sat me on that bole, I started to look at nothing and my mom took advantage to photograph.

I think that uploading a photo is very easy, but we do not know where that photo could end up or who will see it. For me uploading a photo takes a lot of love, and a special connection, I would not upload any photo, just to upload content I do not love


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