who you admire?

I really don't admire someone, because I try to live for my own way, make the things like to I want. Admiring someone is trusting and expecting that person to be perfect or not fail, but really all the people fail, and every moment. But if I had to tell someone I admire, I'd say it's Marie Curie and Solomon Northup.

Marie Salomea Skłodowska-Curie, better known as Marie Curie was born in 1867 in Warsaw, was a French nationalized scientist in the field of radioactivity, was one of the first people to receive two Nobel prizes (physics and chemistry). She was also the first woman to hold a teaching position at the University of Paris. She died in 1934, due to aplastic anemia.
His main researches were about radiactivity, in addition discovered radio and polonium.
I really think that she likes or is closest to admiring someone that I have, she is because she lived in a very macho era, where men took all the merit, and women passed into the background. However, she achieved something that no one had achieved, winning two Nobel prizes, besides in different areas.

Solomon Northup was born in the year 1808, he was a black man who was born free, however he was kidnapped in 1841, when he went to a job interview. He was sold as a slave to a plantation in Louisiana, where he began a period of captivity that lasted twelve years, until he won his freedom in 1853 (he was one of the few enslaved kidnap victims who won his freedom), denounced those who had kidnapped him, but he lost the case, because a black man could not testify against a white man. After this he wrote a book called "twelve years of slavery", where he tells his story, in addition he became an active defender of the abolition of slavery. He died in 1863, after helping runaway slaves.
In 2013, they made a movie based on their book, which is called the same as this one.
His main contributions were to help people who had suffered the same as him, in addition to helping in the abolition of slavery. What I like most about him is that in spite of everything he suffered, he did not get depressed, he fought for people he did not know and for very just causes, for make this world like a place for live good.

Behind all that we suffer we must see the good side, and help people, fight for what we believe and for what we hope for in this world, to make it a better place. Do not give up before the one who will say about us, because the people will always speak about one, be it good or bad, they will always speak and judge you.


  1. Marie's work was very important, for the current chemistry

  2. Solomon Northup must have been really brave to do that

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We admire the same person 💖

  5. I had read before about Marie Curie

  6. one of the most important women in science!!


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