My experience...

Hello everybody, this is the last blog for this semester... 

I have a lot of good moments in the creating process for a Blog. I took this class with two friends, and in all class when we had to writing a blog, we can't stoped to laug, or commented funny things.  I think this form to learn and to improve the writing are really interesting, I really don't like the english, but this form helped "to liked a little bit" the idiom (or at least bear it)I really a bad person to write my thoughts, It costs me too much express, but with objetive data, or objetive scripture I'm a good writer (at least I think, that I'm good to write those things). With this blog, I think that my capacities and cualities to write my thoughts were improved in big form. Now, express my form to think cost me a little bit less. 

Microscopic photograph
of a snowflake
In a future a really like to write about the world, the problems of society, for my field of study... In general, I like to will write to helped a get a good World, where the diferences makes us unique and special (like the snowflake, unique, special, and perfectly different... We are a beautiful snowflake), and where nobody be better than me (or than you) only for his last name, or for his social class, or where he live, or who are his parents,... I think that my utopic world is possible, if the humans leaved to think that a person must be calificated for his money, or last name... But in Chile this calificate are a reality, and all is money and surname, and thanks for these we have a good job, 
or a money, or privilegies,... 
This are really upset for my. 

This will my shorter blog, I usually write more than this, but this are about my feelings, and my thoughts and these are more dificullty for me. 


  1. Chileans discriminate much, but that is changing, you're well

  2. It also upset me that some persons that have money look strange at others


  3. it's good that with blogs you liked a little more English :)

  4. Is very funny being with you and Mati in the class :')

  5. Graciela you are amazing:), your block were very beautiful: ") and I agree with you on many things


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