Are you a mythomaniac?

Hello everybody<3

We are a amazing machine, one piece of sky. The more beautiful creation in this world. I really think all our body is a amazing, and a unique world. Each of one have a mini-world inside, and each world are different to other, that is why nobody else see my world. I really think that all people, have a mental disorders, I don't believe that exists a person with any disaster in his world, or his body. Is for this that I believe that all people in this world have Mythomania, all people are liar, all people add a "fantasy" in his stories, and this disorder we have since that we feel the jealous, the envy, because "she's more smart than me" or "his parent are cool, and my parents aren't cool", and in this moment we create a white lie, and we don't stop, or maybe yes. The Mythomaniac, not always lie for cheating, usually they lie for make a brilliant his life, for make his stories call the interest of the people. 

The common caracteristics are:

* High levels of anxiety when found in situations conducive to the act.
* Recurring thoughts of intrusion that incite the affected to lie.
* Impotence to resist the impulse to distort reality.
* Release of pressure with satisfaction when not discovered in its lies.
* Tendency to blur reality with grandiloquence.
* Search for the acceptance and admiration of its interlocutors.
* Low self-esteem along with few social skills.
* A constant fear to be discovered.
* Progressive increase in the magnitude of the lies over time.
* release of pressure with satisfaction when not discovered in its lies.

Although, in world aren't much investigation about this field, the little bit a investigation confirmed that his disease are more common in the mens. The mythomaniac are narcissistic, having low self-esteem, deficiencies in social skills, and distrust in people and their relationships among others. And, some autores, said that this are for a genetic predisposition. A minimum age of 18 years is required for his diagnostic, this is for in this moment we have a personality defined. 

His treatment, is based on cognitive therapies, oriented in an increase in low self-esteem that tends to have, in addition to communication therapies to improve their relationship with people, and psychopharmaceuticals, however its use is still not very common.
People who usually have a relative mythomaniac, keep away from him, because the lies are usually stronger than the family relationship. Don't exists some data about that mythomaniac in the work, because is a hard field that research. Nevertheless, if we know someone with this disease, we need to talk we he, and helped him to search special help, for overcome this disease.

See you later, Good luck in your tests <3 


  1. I have many of those characteristics:(will I be Mitomano?

  2. Alright, we all lie, but I don't think that all have that disorder


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