I'm lost in this faculty...(?)

I really like all the subject of this faculty and the subjects of other career. I defined my likes, to diverse, because I like the humanistics subjects and the sciences subjects. But  I like a little bit more the sciencies subjects.

I think that my "favourite" subject are "Investigación para las Ciencias Farmacéuticas", I know that the most of the my classmates think that is a bored subject, and it's not interesting and bla bla bla...

But if we think the bases of the society are the language, in all us life we are talking and we are comunicate (for diferent way) all that we feel, we think, and anything, you need a correctly form of language and correctly form to comunicate your thoughts.

In this class we learn to communicate in a clear form, that we discover, in this career this field are really important, because a part of our classmates likes the investigation field, and in this they learn to write their dicoverments, for this knowledged they will make the difference about a really good post or a bad post, in their lifes, and this is very important because will make them a Good scientific, or a bad scientific.

This class are more theorical, and for my it's interesting because I like read, and I will like to learn to comunicate of a best way my thoughts and my feels (because I'm really fool to comunicate my feels and my thoughts). In this class are approximalety 160 students, and apart 13 teachers.


  1. Investigación para las Ciencias Farmacéuticas, is very boring, I do not like it :(

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Is a subject very interesting, and the teachers are the best

  4. I also have a subject that teaches us to communicate is "Comunicacion Oral y Escrita para Ingenieros en Alimentos"


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